I just adore accessorized children's clothing. And boy have they come a very long way from when my children were young.
I have been wanting to make some little outfits for my grandson, but he took a bit to grow and now he's making up for lost time. He stayed petite for quite some time, and now he's right on schedule.
He's just turned 4 months old and he's right where he should be for sizing of clothes. He's just outgrown his 3 months old outfits, and ready for spring and summer clothes. I am just so happy that my daughter loves little overalls.
I just finished up my first pair for him, and since my lovely machine that my husband purchased for me over a year ago as a gift, I can finally make some really cute clothes. My machine has all the Disney characters already digitized into it, so I can embroider quite a few designs. I just love Mickey, and Winnie the Pooh.
So since my daughter does love Mickey, that's my first challenge I did. You tell me what you think. I am biased of course, but I just love how the little overall's for summer turned out.
I now have so many other ideas for more. And my husband has come up with quite a few also, so as I get them done, I will post more, as this is one of my vintage patterns I was fortunate to grab up in my huge box that one day I posted about it. I just love retro vintage anything. And this little overall onsie, is just another reason why.
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